FHW507 Radio Transmit Convertible DECT7 Bluetooth Headset UHW507 Radio Transmit Under-Helmet DECT7 Bluetooth Wireless Headset. FHW505 Radio Transmit Convertible DECT7 Headset
UHW505 Radio Transmit Under-Helmet DECT7 Wireless Headset UHW53 Intercom-Only DECT7 Wireless Headset FH-51PTT radio transmit; over-the-head style
UH-51 Under-helmet wired headset with full-duplex FH-51S Over the Head Single Ear UH-51S Under-helmet wired headset with one slotted dome.
intercom and PTT radio transmit. Wired Headset with PTT Radio Transmit Full-duplex intercom and PTT radio transmit.